Sunday, 23 November 2003

The Nines Theory

Number ‘9’ is a mystical number. It is a Magical, Universal, Complete, and Sacred number. Number ‘9’ is seen as the number of completeness. It marks the end of the human gestation period and the end of a series of numbers (1-10), as well as a complete circle (360 degrees = 3 + 6 + 0 = 9). It is also believed that ‘9’ is the Universal Number, present within every other number. Number ‘9’ rules all life & electrical energy. Add 9 to any other number & 9 will be absorbed. Multiply 9 by any number and it can’t be destroyed. Add it to its own multiple & it always comes back. In Numerology it stands for complete cycle of growth. It is THE most important number in the chronological order of number system - I mean the single digit numbers from 0-9.

Hoof! That is too much of theory. Well you ain’t heard even half of them! There are many more magical and mystical reasoning to number ‘9’. I am not here to lecture you with all of these, which many of you would know in some or the other form anyways. I am here to share with you a realization that has hit me recently and hit me hard. And it also concerns this number – yes – our very own – number ‘9’.

Before I get into the specifics and concept of what I have found, let me share the abstract of the theory that drives this concept.

Carefully observe – since your birth – every ninth year (9th, 18th, 27th, 36th and so on) of your life would have been significant years. These years would have had profound effect on you – Incidents or events that would have defined your personality, your thought process, your career and things of that kind. Good or bad – these years would have been path-defining year for you.

Allow me to demonstrate this with the history of our country since independence. I am sure you will appreciate this theory before you reach the end of this article

India was born when the whole world “Slept”. As Jawaharlal Nehru said on that fateful night of 14th August 1947 – and I quote – “At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom”. Yes, a new India was born at that stroke of that midnight. Our dream had taken the shape of reality. And this nation has never been the same since!

I wish to prove my point with the example of the history of India from the year of her Inception (i.e. 1947). I will highlight only the most significant incidents of every ninth year of our Independent history. I won’t go into too much of detail lest we lose focus of the scope of this article.

Year 1947: We got Independence and symbolically at-least we were born. So we will take this year as the start of our Great history to prove my point.
Year 1956: First significant event of this year was the declaration of Naga resistance/ Movement by the feared Naga Militants. We are still struggling to bring peace in that region of the state of Nagaland. Second significant event of this year was the much-hyped visit of the Chinese Chairman of Communist Party and Premier, Zhou Enlai to India. The message that he brought was of peace and friendship. India was truly foxed by his visit. Now, China had always had aggressive intents in those times and the Indo-China border was anything but peaceful. It is widely believed that we went easy on the borders against China after the Premier’s visit and lost the war that ensued, much sooner than we should have. That is the only war we have lost since. It was a master political move by Zhou Enlai though and his visit of 1956 is thus considered as one of the major events of Indian history.
Year 1965: Pakistan attacked India. We fought back ferociously and won the war. This is the first victory of Indian Armed Forces in any direct war. And since it was against Pakistan – it was all the more sweeter and memorable.
Year 1974: First significant event of this year was India’s first successful test of nuclear bomb in Pokharan. More formally dubbed the "Peaceful Nuclear Explosive" or PNE, but commonly called “Smiling Buddha”, this test made India a major player in the world affairs. We were only the sixth nation in the world to have successfully developed and tested a nuclear bomb. The Second most significant decision taken in this year was the proclamation of a National “Emergency” for the first time in our democratic history. Most of the members of our ruling elite today, were put behind bars during that phase. That was the first and fortunately the last time an Emergency was proclaimed in India. Though it was a disaster for Congress (I) – it nevertheless is an important event in our independent political history.
Year 1983: First significant achievement of this year was the victory of Indian cricket team in “Prudential World Cup”. An unsuspecting team from India, popularly known as “Kapil’s Devils” now, won the world championship of cricket! We had never before, and have never since, got this honor in cricket arena. The popularity of this game rose to such heights that today cricket is considered to be THE only religion that binds India! And that speaks volumes about that achievement. The second most significant event was the imposition of President’s rule in the state of Punjab (to curb the secessionist movement spreading rapidly in the state). Article 356 of the constitution (Imposition of President’s Rule) was used for the first time against any state in India. Since then, many state governments have been dismissed using Article 356. The imposition of the State of Emergency in Punjab worsened the situation in the state. This eventually led to “Operation Blue Star” (planned by the political elite and executed by the Indian Army in the famous Golden Temple of Amritsar). And it would not be wrong to say that the then Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, had to eventually pay with her life for the unfortunate act.
Year 1992: Babri Masjid was demolished in this historic year. Well – The lesser said the better on this shameful event. We are a declared secular state and a permanent damage has been made to the secular fabric of this country due to this one incident. The people of this nation we all love have never been the same since. The country is yet to see the end of this demoralizing saga. Only time will tell how this incident is judged by the future generation.
Year 2001: A thunderous earthquake hit Bhuj (Gujarat) in this fateful year. Bhuj was the epicenter of the biggest earthquake India has ever witnessed in its own land. It killed more than 100,000 people - and I am only talking of official figures here.
Year 2010: Hmmm…we will see. Now - Won’t we?

Isn’t it amazing?

Critics of this logic may say that sometimes we are so intent on seeing things that we
see them even when they are not there. They may argue that all these are huge coincidences. Well – yes – that may also be true. But here the facts are there for us to see and fathom. And remember, a “Coincident” event, occurring more than once, simply cannot be a coincidence. Period. It has to have a theory or a law governing it and this theory can be defined.

I call this my “Nines Theory”. And I say:

An Object undergoes huge changes in its property on every consecutive Ninth year of its inception.

Well…I would have been able to define my theory in more powerful words, if only I had the Einsteins and the Darwins as my advisors or assistants. Since they are no more with us – this possibility is unfortunately ruled out. You all will have to live with my way of defining the “Nines” Theory! The events (as mentioned in the above example of Indian Independent History) do prove that “Nines” theory is more than what I have put in words here. It is hugely significant and worth taking note of.

As I like saying my dear friends – “The evidence as we see is – Overwhelming!

Any Questions?

Mantosh Singh..
23rd Nov 2003’