Saturday, 24 May 2003

Sun becomes a slave – Again?

The British Empire was known as the "Empire On Which the Sun Never Sets" due to its shear size. No matter what time of day or night, somewhere in some place the sun was shinning on a part of the Empire. At its height, over a quarter of the world's population (around 400 million people!!) lived within the Empire's boundaries, and its indirect control has been estimated at covering over 2/3 of the entire planet! Even though the Empire has been replaced with the British Commonwealth, never in the history of humankind has one nation ruled so many and so much.

This remarkable achievement by a country half the size of France was a tribute to the superb organizational skills of the White empire builders of that nation.

This astonishing empire was never undone in the way that the Roman Empire was: In fact, it was the extension of the Roman Empire to the east which ultimately led to its downfall, for through the inclusion of eastern territories, vast numbers of people were drawn into Rome who shared a different genetic inheritance than the original founders - unlike the situation in the West. Once again, as had been the case with every great civilization before it, Rome fell because the original people who created the Empire disappeared: submerged into a mass of foreigners - replaced by immigrants and the descendants of slaves brought in from all over North Africa, the wider Mediterranean and the Middle and Near East.

The British Empire instead dissolved peacefully, by mutual consent, and the British, apart from creating the world's largest empire, also had the privilege of being the only empire builders not to be destroyed in their far-flung empire itself.

The British Empire finally started dissolving after the First World War, with the process being speeded up dramatically in the aftermath of the Second World War. The primary reason for the dissolution of the empire was economic and political rather than racial: after the Second World War, Britain was simply too impoverished to continue holding on to an empire created in a previous century, and it was easier to grant independence to the far flung colonies, especially when some of these turned violent.

Having had the brief of the great empires of the past – let us look at the present geographical scenario or may I say the present Empire – the AMERICAN EMPIRE! This is a thought, which some may not agree to – but then it is hard to disagree either.

So, Does the Sun really set on the American Empire?

Let us try and analyze the dynamics existing in today’s world. I will try and take you through the dependence, on USA, of the countries in each of the continent.

We will start by looking at our own Asia: The countries across the length and breadth of this continent like Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Russia, etc. are dependent on America for one or the other reason. Countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan are directly being administered by the Americans. I think no body will dispute that. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are militarily supported by America without whose support they would not have seen such prosperity. Imagine a country that need not bother about its security. They can totally concentrate on the economics directed towards progress. Russia’s economy is running on American Dollars and World Bank’s support. Russia may shout and protest against America – but the reality remains that they cannot survive today without American support or money.  India as we know makes a lot of noise about resisting America but eventually falls in line on a bit of arm-twisting here and there. I know most of you may disagree on the last one but it is the truth and we should not run away from it.

If you notice, the American influence covers almost every corner of Asia accept China. Though Americans have not got much influence on China – but they have been systematically allowing their entrepreneurs to open businesses in China. They want a say in defining Chinese policies and they plan to start with influencing economic policies. Only time will tell if that happens. I have my own doubts though.

Let us move on to Europe: Well the lesser said the better of this Region. Most of the countries cannot raise their voice against America. Look at the countries here – Britain, Spain, France, Germany, Ukraine, Poland and so on. France and Germany have taken great risk by opposing the Americans in its war against Iraq. It will be interesting to see how America eventually reacts. I feel these two countries will have tough times in future. We will see. It is interesting to note though that the same countries now want a share of the Americans victory and hence have toned down their opposition. Britain is like a pet to America – so there is no point even discussing about it. Ukraine has got independence and is totally dependent on America for their struggle against Russia. That leaves smaller countries like Italy, Poland and others. They as usual though will follow the path of their bigger brothers like England and Germany.

Looking at Middle East and Africa. Countries in Middle East: like Israel, Turkey, Oman, UAE and now Iraq. Well Israel and America have been ‘Close Allies’ for too long now and moreover Israel accepts America’s decisions whether they are solicited or unsolicited. Americans have their permanent bases in almost all the Middle East countries and hence control almost all of Middle East. Africa is not all that significant a continent in today’s scenario. But if we look closely – even here Americans have been financing most of the countries like South Africa, Niger, Ghana, Egypt, Tunisia, Namibia and some others. For the countries facing civil war or nations that are strife stricken - The Americans support one or the other rival groups in that war. Once the groups supported by Americans win – they will hold influence and power in these countries too.

Coming nearer to the country in discussion – South American countries like Brazil, Argentina are surviving either on American Money or World Bank’s loan and are heavily in debt (just like Russia). There are not many countries in this continent of forest and Mountains anyways.

Australia has got Nuclear Cover from America (same is true for Japan and South Korea) i.e. America will protect Australia from any Nuclear attack on its territory from another nation. No wonder Australia, Japan, South Korea and others harp about Non-proliferation and sanctions against nations that hold Nuclear Weapons. After all they need not produce Weapons of Mass destruction – Uncle Sam will do the dirty work!! Huh.

And finally North America: This continent is the domain of USA, with Canada and Mexico being stooges of the Great Uncle Sam!

We can also take into consideration US’s power and control in the area that constitutes 2/3rd of the area of the earth. Yes – the area covered by water. Americans have the exclusive rights to patrol and move across all the oceans like Pacific, Arctic, Indian and Atlantic! Their aircraft carriers and naval ships are located in most of these oceans. These are international waters they say – but only when they are doing the patrolling. Let an Indian Naval ship get into Pacific Ocean and we will all hear about the breach of international accord on territorial integrity being maintained. And more over which country has the power to challenge or question America today? It is with this superiority in water that they are able to reach any part of the world in no time and prepare to launch!

It is actually surprising that a single country can hold or influence so many other nations across the face of the earth! No other nation with the exception of the erstwhile Great Britain has had such control/influence. The difference perhaps is the kind of control that British had. Britain actually held power through its Viceroys in all the countries that were in its control. They would make rules and define policies to govern the land they controlled. Americans (having learnt from the British experience on the disadvantages of ruling a country directly) rule by what we call as ‘Remote Control’. They influence the policies of the nations they have control over – be it defense, economical or territorial. And when some nation (like Iraq) does not follow their diktat – Well – They pay the price by facing the well equipped, technically strong defense forces of Uncle Sam! And no organization or group of countries can stop them. Yeah – now it is official – even UN cannot stop them these days.

Just reiterating here – American military bases are located in Middle East, in Taiwan, In Australia, In Japan, In South Korea, In Britain, In Germany, In Yugoslavia, In Pakistan, In Afghanistan, In Egypt, In Ghana, In Argentina, In Canada, In Panama and some more countries. That they have a strong defense force is a foregone conclusion – be it on Land, in Air or in Water. That they are economically stronger than any other individual nation is something we know for a long time now. They are politically more stable and claim to be much more superior in their thoughts and deeds. Any contradiction to the last point friends?

But I think they will be destroyed for the same reason as the other great powers have been. The Americans have now started behaving like a bunch of superior human race! It is this sense of superiority complex that will eventually lay the foundation for their downfall. How many times have we seen America launching a missile or an attack on a nation just because some terrorist group, in some other country has killed some of its nationals? We have time and again heard about how PRECIOUS an American life is! Lives of Indians killed in Kashmir, Lives of Israelis or Palestinians in Gaza Strip, Lives of Iraqis, Vietnamese, Afghanis, Cubans, Libyans, Russians, Chinese and all the others are not important to Human Kind. What we should only bother about is an AMERICAN LIFE!

But then we can take this topic for discussion in some other forum.

What is significant here is to note that from north to south – from east to west – there hardly is a country on this earth, which is economically and militarily not supported by America! That they have slowly built up this amount of power is thanks to their great organizational as well as political skills.

Think of an award ceremony and you will immediately get Oscar or Grammy as the name more often than not. Think of the Space Shuttles and exploration of space – you will get the name of NASA. Think of great speeches given by Head of States – you will immediately find yourself remembering the speech of Kennedy where he said “My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man”. Think of the most democratic nation in the world –America will be the name you will get first. Think of one Currency and you will end up naming Dollar. Think of wars and soldiers – a picture of Americans fighting Iraqis or Afghanis will be formed. Think of a cold drink and most of us will get the name of Pepsi or Coke. Think of fast food joints and we will end up saying McDonalds. Think of one national flag other than your own – chances are you will immediately find yourself thinking of that Great American Flag with those blue stripes and stars! The list is endless.

This is how they have systematically marketed them selves and must say have been extremely successful at that. Hollywood has been instrumental in portraying America’s image. They have very slickly shown Americans as the most tough, most happening, most loving, most caring, scientifically more advanced and above all as the people who are saviors of the entire world. How would we survive without Americans saving us from some UFO, which is creating havoc across the world? OOH!


It has taken them a few years to make an impression on the residents of this earth. But impression – they have made. Now that they are the Number One nation – they deserve to bask in the limelight! History has proved that no one nation can remain in control for long. Let the Sun shine on this nation for now.  Darkness will eventually come. And I fear this time it is not going to be as peaceful a transition as was the last time when British were dethroned. Well – we will not have to wait long I guess.

Having taken you through all of this – I am sure you will agree to one fact though – THE SUN HAS REALLY BEEN ENSLAVED again and that this time when it sets – it shall be a long dark night.

Mantosh Singh..
24th May 2003’

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