Sunday, 1 January 2012

2011: Year of Chaos and confusion

Another new year is upon us. This, as always, is a good time to reflect on the year gone by and on the events that took our breath away. You see, generally, there are some key events that one can pinpoint, that have not only made one happy but have also shaken ones conscience while also befuddling long held beliefs.
This year, more than any in my life, have left deep scars & impressions that I may not be able to remove/shake-off easily. And none of them seem to be the marks that made me happy and which I would like to keep. I am a confused wreck. Confused not because I cannot recollect the events, but because there are so many of them, that I am not sure which one made me cringe with disgust and which ones actually led to the depressive feeling that I am overpowered with as the year nears its end. As I said above, not in my lifetime have I seen a more dramatic year than the last one – or to be more specific – than the last couple of years.
I have long been a believer of my “Nine’s Theory” (I wrote an article on the same a few years back if some of you will remember) and I do definitively feel that the trigger for this change in India came in 2010 (in line with Nine’s theory). Focus within the country has entirely shifted to massive loot (“Corruption” is a great understatement – isn’t it?) of the national assets by the officials and Ministers higher up (be that Commonwealth Games or Telecom (2G/3G) or Coal scam). This country has been running downhill in search of doom ever since it would seem. Those events in 2010 (and a lot more added this year) have nicely led to chaotic 2011. In fact, with recessionary trend around the world – it suddenly seemed bad times to live in.
As I said, I am in a mess. I have been introspecting a lot on such national/social/philosophical matters which have troubled me all through the year. Frankly, all of it has resulted in fizzling out any bubbles of hope that I may have had. Perhaps you may have the same feeling on a few of these that are highlighted below and hopefully a few of you will also share the deep emotions that I have felt on these and many more.
National Issues:
To start with the most talked about topic, corruption. Now here is a man (wrongfully called “The modern Gandhi”, which I feel is an insult to whatever good name is left of the original one in this country) gets a few thousands gathered around on a few occasions and blackmails Government of the day to tow his line of thought and process. Confusion: Is his support greater than collective strength of all the elected representatives of the country? I mean, if that were so, what is the standing of those elected people? If the people think they are corrupt… why did they elect them in the first place? How can support of a few thousand (or even a couple of lakhs) be greater than 40/50 crores of people who elected the law makers of the country? Didn’t you get confused as well? I just can’t get it.
And just to dissect the above a bit further – while protesting in Delhi (by far the only large gathering - of a few thousand - Hazare has managed) the self-appointed, irritating, “Gandhian” got majority of support from people like, shopkeepers (like ones of medical stores, Restaurants, hotels, grocery stores, etc), lawyers, doctors, milk man, service men (of various product companies), event management people, local “unsuccessful” politicians/middlemen, small businessmen/industrialists and such people (with a minority lot from Private companies/service class). Are these groups who came out in support really not corrupt? I would be surprised if you think so. Why do I say that? Well, almost all the above conduct their business/work in “cash”. How many of the above groups do actually give an auditable receipt of any transaction that they do? Do you think they pay taxes on all the money earned through cash transactions/payments? Hah. High hopes. Is that not willful corruption? And they were the loudest voices in anti-corruption campaign. Confusion: How does this bunch of idiots (Hazare & his stooges) hope to achieve a corruption free society with perceivably corrupt people backing them? Confused? I am too because as I have said a lot of times earlier on the topic, you cannot be fighting corruption with corrupt people backing you up on the rear. (Note that I have not included scores of NGOs who came out in huge numbers to support the anti-corruption movement and who by the way are by far “The” favorite institutions to launder black-money – from internal as well as external sources… and get tax rebate too as per law!)
Then there is the Government – PM, & his Council of Ministers. Now, PM is responsible for the Ministers and their conduct. PM has the responsibility of ensuring his/her ministers work as per the stated constitutional objectives and make (and execute) policies that are as per law and for the benefit of the people and country as a whole. If acts and policies made by these Ministers are not found to be in-line with stated principles of constitution or with moral values of society, PM has absolute powers to replace the errant Minister. But here is a man who has not only sat through so many corruption charges on his ministers but took months and months to get their resignations – even while the whole country knew the details of how they squandered tax payers money and indeed their trust. When your child asks for a Mercedes (which is something I can never buy perhaps), you don’t steal the car or allow your kid to steal one to satisfy/justify the kid’s need. You ensure that he/she understands the absurdity of the demand and stays within limits of your earnings. You use censoring methods and monitor him/her for life. Or won’t you? Similarly, no amount of “coalition parties” pressures can justify a corrupt act or being a willing accomplice in such act (as is always quoted by our spineless Sardar). Confusion: Why did our PM, an otherwise upright man of dignity, sit quietly while his ministers continued to loot the nation? Is saving the government greater end to saving the honor of the country and its assets (in form of Tax-payers money)? I had high hopes from this honest man – but all I am left with is disappointment.
And what do I say about depressing images of lack of basic amenities seen all around the country. We are one of the few in the selected group of Nuclear Group countries, we have one of the most powerful armies around the world, we are in group of top two developing nations and so on… yet when I go to my village or any other village in Uttar Pradesh – I still find only 8 hours of electricity being provided, out of the whole 24 hours in a day! Roads are pathetic, water levels are depleting and its quality is nowhere near the standards that are generally accepted norm in cities. Mahatma Gandhi NREGA program which was meant to be flagship program to provide employment in rural areas – has failed terribly and miserably to 1) provide enough jobs 2) Allow full payment to the ones getting such jobs (thanks to corruption). You see, when I was a kid, I remember going to my village during summer holidays where getting around 5-6 hours of power in a day was normal. That too would come and go anytime it would “feel” like. But never more than 5/6 hours… except, of course, during Local/national elections – when the Government would provide around 10 hours of electricity. Today it has improved to the extent that one can look forward to 8 hours of power in a day in weekly cycles of day or night. People call this very good. Have often heard them say that the power situation is “very good” these days. Which invariably means – electricity at least comes on “stipulated” time (for 8 hours). Confusion: In the last 20+ years while we moved from times when there were 1-2 TVs in a village, to perhaps having 1-2 in each home today, could the Government not provide even 24 hours basic electricity to homes of people in our rural areas (60-70% of Indian population lives in Rural areas)? Everybody is concentrating on Social combinations/upliftment alone. Is Social justice the real means to provide larger end of Economic prosperity? Or should economic prosperity & infrastructure development be the means to that great end - Social equality and Justice? Why have we failed as a society? Why? Have we just stopped bothering?
Ultimately, I was, and still am being, told that democracy is the best form of governance. But the more I mature – the more I realize that it is actually a deeply flawed method. With so many loopholes, this cannot be the best form of governance. When holes in a drainage pipe increase beyond a limit and cannot be plugged, you cut them off and replace with a new one. Confusion: What is an alternate method of governance? Not anarchy, not communism, not presidential system… what then? I, like others, have a few ideas – but then they can be taken up in another article.
Local Administration:
An MP or MLA is responsible for welfare of their regions. A District Magistrate is responsible for execution of schemes and projects in his/her district. But just try and meet them (or even write to them) for any problems that you may have. You may be surprised with their apathy. Getting a response to letters is in itself a herculean ask, to meet them is definitely a dream come true. And even if one gets to meet them, there is no guarantee that your work will be done… however legitimate or righteous the complaint may be. Confusion: If people cannot meet their elected representatives or their own civil servants (after all Government employees are our “servants”) – how will they get their problems addressed? And if these people are not there to help resolve problems… what are they there for? I have not been able to solve this paradox. Have you? There have been umpteen numbers of cases that have come to my knowledge while I was in my native state… and I have reasons to believe that this is not a localized problem.
I was told Police and Judiciary are supposed to be the institutions that one should approach freely for corrective steps to be implemented in criminal/civil matters. But try doing that once and you will understand that if there is one place one should avoid all his/her life; it is either of these two institutions (unless forced by circumstances). Confusion: What is the redress system in our society if we are wronged? Go to police and face humiliation or go to courts and die feeling cheated? I am confused… are you? The entire media is full of stories of Police atrocities/stories. We all also know how Kasab is still alive even after so many years of Mumbai attack and Raja’s (or Kalmadi’s) trial is still to get fully underway even  after more than a year of the scam being unearthed… thanks to our Judicial system.
Incidentally, when I see roads having potholes, or have been pending for repair for a long long time, or even if there is a leakage in a water supply pipe line, whom do I approach for corrective steps? How many of us know which department one should call or which offices one should go to complain? Difficult? Yeah I know – I have struggled personally. Confusion: In a democratic country with my civil rights entrenched in our constitution – I still don’t know whom to get in touch with for my complaint to be acted upon promptly. Confused? Yeah right… what a bloody mess.
Finally, let me touch upon private companies and their appraisal systems. A big confusion area for me! Have you observed how year-end appraisal systems are absolutely ridiculous in so far as gauging the actual performance of an employee is concerned? Year-end appraisals are meant to be a way of appraising an employee fairly and without bias (personal or influenced). But how many of you really think it is a fair way of rating your performance? People often defend it by stating that there is no better system available. So? One should suffer in the lack of a fair system? Strange, really. Another aspect of the whole process is the use of word “Professional”. You will come to hear it more often during appraisal process! Curiously, when one is rated lower in appraisals and the appraisee reacts adversely, it is attributed to him/her being “un-professional”. No one points to a Boss being “Un-professional” when his/her stooges get good rating despite other deserving candidates clutching on to the slopes of that damn “Bell Curve”! I have always believed, the word professional is a much bastardized word, by which I mean… it is a word that is loosely used by perceivably professional people to justify their unprofessional acts. Just to clear any misconceptions - a professional is a person who is paid to undertake a specialized set of tasks and to complete them for a fee. That’s about it. There is no behavioral aspect to the core definition. So for anyone to term a grievance in an employee as being unprofessional is grossly negligent and unjustified/uncalled for. I get terribly disappointed when I see anyone being given that logic anywhere in the world. Infact, for life of me, I have never understood how can we allow a flawed Appraisal system and their often incompetent Appraisers to exist?
The great drama being played by two Federations in the quest to control the game of Indian Hockey (our National Game) is a sure case study for aspiring Management graduates. I mean, here are two factions of the governing body of this game (Indian Hockey Federation & Hockey India) fighting amongst each other to ascertain, which one should be the “real” federation to govern the great game! All this, while the game continues to be part of Government of India’s responsibility (being our National Game) and where Government can take decision/s to resolve the matter either ways. But, instead, it is International Hockey Federation which seems to be taking decisions on their part. What is the impact? Well, for starters, we may not get enough chances to qualify for Olympic Games – second time in a row. To the frustration of all admirers of this game, the government seems to be a mute spectator – making a mockery of the entire system, and indeed their responsibility. Confusion: How can Indian Government continue to sit idle while some sick people try to fight out the turf war over at the expense of our own National game – of which these federations are “only” nominated custodians? Why can’t the Sports Minister or PM step in to resolve the matter in the name of saving our own national game? Confused? I continue to be for many years now. Imagine, an entire generation of hockey players would retire without playing in Olympics (given that the last time we participated in 2004 and next would be in 2016 perhaps)… and this is in a game that we dominated for many years. Thanks to our great government and its administrators. Wallah!
And then there is even bigger drama in cricket. Every single administrator says, “…we should not involve politics in this popular game…”. Yet, all state level Associations, BCCI committee/s are headed (or filled) by politicians, cabinet ministers etc. Confusion: How can politicians run Associations and keep politics away from the game? Laughable… but I am sure your dilemma is as great as mine. It is actually ridiculous. I mean, a great cricketer like Dilip Vengsarkar loses to a Vilasrao Deshmukh (Cabiniet Minister & former Chief Minister of Maharashtra) in the election of the President of Mumbai Cricket Association. Nothing can be more ironic.
Though it is a much debated term – I would still touch upon this one. You see, I was told “reservation” means minority share. To state is simply, today, various reservations (in jobs/education/qualifying exams/promotions etc) have gone beyond 70% in many States. Confusion: Which part of the society is actually “reserved” in India – the “General” caste/class or the “reserved” caste/class? I am yet to understand the logic. The absurdity seems more pronounced, when they want reservation in proposed Lokpal committee. Can you beat that? How is that going to help get justice to people at large? Am I to believe that India is such a divided society that selected intellectual/able people would be prejudiced against the lower caste/minorities, and not allow them to get justice… i.e. if there were none representing such groups in the committee itself? How silly? Where will this stop? How about having all ministries having multiple ministers? How is that? So there would be four Home Ministers, 1 General Category, 1 SC/ST, 1 OBC & 1 Muslim. That would be something. What we detested in British is what we are following really… Divide and rule. And the biggest disappointment is – no one seems to have the spine/guts to say no to such ridiculous increase in reservation – for the fear of losing votes of that section.
Humbleness, humility and simplicity were the superior benchmarks of an honorable society… or so I thought. I always looked to such values while taking any decisions in my life. But look around yourselves. Arrogance, aggression, criminal mindset, corrupt people rule the roost. Confusion: Am I then to change myself? Or should I drop any dreams of “making it large” in this lifetime… given that my cast is set in the earlier parameters of human behavior? Am I really a misfit in the current times? Don’t know about you, but I live with this confusion every single day of my life now.
All my life, from school to college and to my professional life, I was being taught that one should lead an honest life to achieve name, fame & success. I thought that was the mantra for success. But today, all around me I see the “others”, mostly the ones who are corrupt, who use shady means, are the ones who have achieved success and prosperity… and dare I say the respect of the society. We read about such “role models” day in and day out, don’t we? Confusion: That I am not successful today is perhaps true… but will I (and scores of people like me) never be successful in life with me trying to live and conduct myself with all honesty that I have been taught all my life? That is a depressing feeling to have – as I am sure most of you must also be going through.
There are many more such dilemmas I have gone through especially in this year.  And as 2011 dies its natural death, I am depressed. I have lost faith. Perhaps I am not bright enough to see the hope – but to whatever intelligence I have been bestowed with, I see only chaos in the coming year. And that is not a good way to start another 366 days of journey.
However, for purposes of staying afloat in this flood of turmoil, I would go back to what my Dad always told me… when darkness does surround you – remember there is a moon somewhere up there… trying desperately to break through the bunch of dark clouds to give you that ray of light. I am hoping he proves to be right again. If there is one string I am clinging on to, it is that hope of surprise – that will remove the gloom of darkness and open up that clear sky where people like us can live in faith. Hopefully, then, I will find reasons to write a glowing tribute while I pen the obituary of 2012 around same time next year.
Its Montoo..
30th Dec 2011’ – 31st Dec 2011

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