Monday, 31 March 2014

Article: NaMo's "Command" - I am going to "Serve" you

NaMo’s “Command”: I am going to “Serve” you

“Namo namah, Namo Namah”… A chant every BJP supporter wants the nation to recite. A chant, which I believe will become the defining phrase in the crucial (2014) Parliamentary elections.

Narendra Modi, principal opposition party’s Prime Ministerial candidate, is truly an enigma for many. Never before in the history of Independent Indian politics, has someone captured the imagination of people so much in this country. Never before in my living memory has any political leader been so heavily “marketed” in India! Here is a man, who seems to embody every single virtue that one would want to see in a leader of the country – especially in these times. Apart from being known as a Hindu fundamentalist leader, he is (projected as being) honest, is progressive, an achiever, a teetotaler & a bachelor (important in Indian parlance. It would mean he is not going to accumulate wealth by ulterior means for his Wife/Sons/Daughters etc)! This is a true antithesis to current leadership, which seems to be “decisively” indecisive, “competently” incompetent, “corruptly” corrupt, “selfishly” self-centered and “arrogantly” arrogant bunch of idiots. Modi just seems “so right” to take these people on! Wow.

NaMo, as he is popularly called (or is cleverly marketed as), has made an instant connect with the youth of the country which has long been frustrated by the infidel approach of current leadership and which doesn’t seem to be speaking the language, or “walking the walk”, as this generation of Indians would want them to. NaMo has captured the imagination of this young brigade it would seem. He has also cleverly marketed himself as champion of middle-class community of this country, by promoting the dream of growth and better life in his rule… as he says he has done for Gujarat. That he is a champion of Industry “Movers & shakers” is by now a chronicled story. Perhaps what is more worrying for Congress Party is, that NaMo seems to be making inroads into the votes of lower caste and of people of other religions (non-Hindu ones). Suddenly, Congress party seems to have a very formidable opposition, infact it’s just one man … NaMo. For the supporters of NaMo, future of this country suddenly looks very bright. And why not? Here is a man who “seems” to have everything one would want in a leader and who suddenly seems to be the big hope for India.

Yet, with all the above said – why am I not so enthused? Why? What is it about Modi that makes it so impossible to accept him as my leader? This article is primarily a result of this dilemma I face. Am hoping many of you face similar quandary.

What has led to Modi’s elevation?

We all have “read” & “heard” about how great a job Modi has done in Gujarat to make it the one of the top state in the country and also how peaceful & riot free it is. We are made to understand that Gujarat has achieved phenomenal inclusive growth which includes people from all section of society and is unparalleled in the history of this nation. It has best infrastructure & is the top destination for all business houses to setup their factories and business units.

All these claims made me look at some official figures to make sense of. I wanted to figure out if all of the claims do really make sense? I mean – Modi would have us believe that if there is heaven on earth – or at least in India – Gujarat was it! The numbers ofcourse tell a far different story. The pan India numbers tell me that everything that Gujarat CM claims to have done for Gujarat, many other states have done them far better. They may not have marketed themselves as well as Gujarat – but they have done pretty well. For example, the biggest claim of Modi, the growth rate of Gujarat being “Wow”ish! Well, the growth rate of Bihar, Maharashtra, Delhi, Tamil-Nadu is more impressive and infact better than the Modi-propagated “heaven”. Infact, likes of Andhra Pradesh & Kerala have had higher growth consistently than Gujarat. There bursts the first balloon… Let’s look at a few more examples:

- GDP of Gujarat though is higher to Avg India GDP, yet it is in the 6th position overall (amongst all Indian states) behind Delhi or Haryana, infact even behind Goa.
- Per capita income of Gujarat is lower to Bihar, Haryana, Goa, Andhra, Kerala, Maharashtra etc consistently in the last 5-6 years.
- In Human development Index, Gujarat is at number 11 behind Punjab, Kerala, Goa, all the north eastern states and even J&K.
- Literacy rate of growth in Gujarat stands at number 13, behind a host of states small and big.
- In natural growth rate (babies born to each woman) Gujarat is far higher – leading to population growth.
- In terms of Sex ratio (Number of Women per 1000 men) – Gujarat is sickeningly placed at 24th position, between 2001-2011. Infact they have a negative growth of -4% or so (-3.9% to be exact). India had a growth of 7%... improving the imbalance.
- Vaccination Coverage% is way too low with Gujarat poorly placed at 19th position out of all states (with only 45% of children covered).
- In terms of access to Safe drinking water – Gujarat again performs poorly at number 15th! Even West Bengal & Bihar seems to be fairing far better.
- Electricity consumption (Percentage of households using electricity as their primary source of lighting) is a lowly 90.4% - way low at 16th position behind a host of states. But Modi keeps harping about how 100% Gujarat is electrified.
- Poverty reduction is 8.6% overall. Well, Maharashtra and TN have fared far better on this front.
- Roads per KM index shows Gujarat being at number 10th out of all states – MP, Bihar, Orissa and even UP being higher there.
- Life Expectancy ratio in Gujarat makes it stand behind states like TN, Andhra, Kerala and Maharashtra at number 11.

Oh don’t even ask – I can keep going on and on. I got tired beyond this point. I could already see a trend forming. My intention is not to bring down Gujarat as a state. No way. It is a part of my country – so no way would I bring it down for any bloody reason – Modi or no-Modi. Though, Modi seems to be least bothered about the country. He seems to be deriding all the states while comparing Gujarat to them. It is sick of him to do that. However, it is important that we all know the facts Vs. claims and given that Modi seems to be hell bent on propping himself on the Gujarat horse – I had to look at facts and bring them out. It is also to prove how misplaced the growth story (as presented by Modi) of Gujarat is in this country. Do not forget, Gujarat was always the top growing states – even before Modi came out of his tea-stall (as he wants everyone to remember). So when he says Gujarat is “this” and Gujarat is “that” – well, keep in mind the above metrics. These are from official figures of planning commission, official Census results etc. So don’t even bother about contesting it as some form of conspiracy against the “beloved” Modi. . If you have any doubt on any of the assertions I have made above, let me know, I can pass on the exact percent state wise for the same. Or better still do your own study.

But for me other than Modi and his PR machinery working overtime to project Gujarat in bright light and then tying it up with Modi’s skilled administration and personality, there is one other major factor for country’s Modi-obsession in present times… Manmohan Singh. Yes, I think this one man has single handedly helped Modi to this stage, in the process making him even bigger & brighter than he actually would have us believe. Manmohan Singh, who after showing some sparks in the first half of UPA government, just fizzled out in the second round. I mean, here is a man who was the leader of the largest democracy in the world and who just would not react to anything going wrong in the country. As if, he just did not exist. His voice would be heard only on state visits abroad. Let me know if anyone remembers when he last spoke on anything in public about any issue of concern? It was always statements released through PMO (Prime Minister’s Office). Ofcourse, he would come out of his abode with a paper in hand to speak every 15th Aug. But is that enough from the leader of a country? Ofcourse one would hear him say his two-bits every time the country has faced economic concerns or when something would affect Business houses, FDI etc. I have rarely, if at all, heard him talking on political situations, on issues of common man, on problems of people in any given state… you know, the everyday problems in this country, which made the biggest news (unlike the very technical economic parameters). Even as recently as Mujaffarnagar riots, did anyone hear anything from him directly? Just some PMO statement/s! Again, where was he when commonwealth loot was going on? Where was he when an Indian Diplomat was being harassed somewhere in other country. Where was he when 2G scam or Coal scam was being reported and talked about? What were his opinions on CBI autonomy, Lokpal, corruption in society, loss of Congress in all state elections in the last round, etc. Nothing… A pin drop silence. As a result, a perfect image of a weak leader is properly stitched into our mind. Add to it the aloofness of the other two people supposedly running the government – the Gandhi pair (Sonia & Rahul). They are just as inaccessible as Manmohan. You would hardly if ever see them speaking to people (except rallies – where it is all about “great work” they have done). And forget about the people connect program that Rahul seems to be running now. I generally don’t believe anything done in Election season.

Cut to, Narendra Modi! He has views on everything under the sun. Even where he does not know chalk from cheese (Indian History, Geography etc are but a few examples). Though, he is also not an accessible commodity per se (wonder what is it with our top leaders? Why are they so media shy? Why leave everything to Lawyers who are primary spokesmen of all political parties and who do not even know how to say “I am fine”… They would perhaps say “In the given circumstances and on available information available with me, I have to say that things are rather in control at the moment, subject to things remaining the same, the situation is not expected to change”… Take that! Huh). But otherwise Modi speaks in a language that establishes immediate connect with the people of this country. A definite sign of a wonderful Orator. Something you felt with Atal Bihari Vajpayee in recent past, or with Indira, Jawahar, Kamraj, Gandhi (the “Father” one), or even LK Advani in his prime. I mean except for directly “abusing” the Gandhi clan & Manmohan – he has all but used every name that he could to address them. In the times of Honey Singh and Sunny Leone – well such oratory style is a big hit. Morals and values of the society in general have gone down and hence when Modi says “Yeh desh tumhare Mama ka hai kya? (Is this country owned by your Mama/Maternal Uncle?)”… Referring to the Gandhis’, well, people just latch on to it! That is the general mood of this country… and he is conveying it in his own style! Ofcourse, he has an open field (and license) to go after the current government with vengeance. One would expect any opposition to have a great run after 10 years of other party’s governance, nothing new there. However, with Modi at the helm – the opposition is right on top at the moment!

Point being, there was a great vacuum created in Indian polity, where there was lack of a politician who could talk about the plight of common man and in the language people understood. Since long, our life has been taken over by things like Inflation, Retail inflation, FDI, FII, Stock Market, Industrial Output, GDP, Brent rate of oil, Current Account Deficit, VAT/Taxes, Duties, RBI Repo rates, PLR, commodity market problems, etc. Hoof. I mean, all very educational, yet it does nothing to address people issues and neither explains how it affects us. At least it does not help common man understand why petrol prices have to be increased, why does cost of pulses, rice, vegetable, fruits, etc. continue to increase? If cost of everything that is procured needs to be passed on to the people, well do we pay taxes (and lot of taxes in various forms) for salaries of the leaders and executives of government alone? What is the Government doing to help the common man with the collected funds? Decisions on safeguarding poor people, from inflationary trends, rising prices etc., need to be taken by leaders. But does current leadership understand the pain? On top of that – corruption is blamed on everything else (and everyone else), other than themselves? Great! All the lower level leaders are thrown towards media to address their silly question and they in turn talk rubbish and try and cover for everything that is seen wrong by the people in general. It helps when you have silly lawyers answering media questions. Well, lawyers and law in this country, does not find anything wrong with wealth accumulated by Leaders like Mayawati or Mulayam or J Jayalalitha, or many many other politicians - so the lesser said about the conviction of lawyers, the better.

Oops, I digressed… so such lack of leadership in current establishment had to make people crave for a “political figure”, a leader who can show them a way out. Talk about hope. Talk about solving problems (even if not about how they will do it). This is the job of “Political” leaders. This is what Nehru did. This is what Shastri, Indira or JP did. This is what Rajiv (in later phases) or Atal did. But ever since Atal Behari Vajpayee – India has just not seen anyone talking about what people want to hear. When Rahul says UPA has done a lot for people – but perhaps has lacked in connecting with them, well – I think he is right to an extent. However, he is saying it way too late. But then who is to blame? Right to Education, Right to Information, Right to Food, Right to job (MNREGA), and now Lokpal. All these are definitely people oriented policies. If all of them are implemented, it would help in overall growth of this country – both morally and economically in the long run. However, why are people not talking about it with positivity? Hell, even the opposition does not target these progressive policies. Yet, Congress just does not know how to project it. I see it purely as a lack of political acumen on part of current Congress thought leadership. Would Indira, Rajiv, Shastri or Nehru have allowed this to go without cashing on it? Forget about them. Would Modi have let it go? Even after sitting through the most horrible riot seen in this country, this guy is able to sell himself as a man of peace and (surprise… surprise!) as a great administrator! He has done what any sensible CM does in his state wrt growth, yet, he has people believing that he has done “the” extraordinary in his state and hence he can do that across the whole nation. Well, it’s all bunkum ofcourse. Still – people believe him to a fault. That’s the power of a politician. Something which Atal had, Indira had and even JP had. In the last 10 years though – that has been missing… big time. And I would blame Manmohan Singh’s leadership style for the same. He lost his usefulness to Congress post first round of UPA. Congress should have put someone more political savvy in UPA-II. Someone who had political background – who could talk in the language the electorate understood. But they did not. And today, they are facing the music. And it’s just not fun…

It is time a “Financial” Government is replaced with a more political one. And out of all the political leadership in this country, Modi seems to be the one chosen to do so. Thank You Mr. Manmohan Singh – you brought it upon us.

What is my worry?

Inspite of all that I have said about Modi as a leader, why does his elevation and over obsession of people with him worry me? For all the hope Modi brings on the table, I should be happy with Congress going out – a bloody good riddance. But here I am, worrying about the scenario when Modi will be the PM with all the powers that comes along with the chair & position. I am not corrupt, I am not a criminal, I am not involved in anti-nation activities… well for all I know I am a pretty law-abiding citizen, even stopping at traffic lights early mornings like 1-2 AM too – when even the owls have gone to sleep! Then why am I worried? Infact, without sounding too weak… why am I scared?

Here is a man who, if not the perpetrator, is surely the instigator and abettor of one of the major riots ever witnessed in India (other than riots during partition and the deplorable and perhaps bigger anti-Sikh riots in 1984). Inspite of sitting through the entire killing drama he seems more proud than regretful of the event. And don’t bother about the “sounds” of pain that he seems to be murmuring off-late. Remember I told you – don’t believe a thing said during elections. His utterances are coming 10-12 years too late Sir. Again, here is a man, who has ruthlessly crushed every opponent in his path – big or small. Here is a man, who has unabashedly lied big time in projecting himself, and his state, in brighter light and in course of doing so, has not spared states that were governed or ruled by his own party (MP/Rajasthan etc are case in point). Here is a man, who did not think twice before publicly humiliating his own mentor (LK Advani) in his zealous drive to become the Prime Minister of this country. Here is a man who shamelessly abuses every politician of opposition without disdain for their act of folly – yet does not even speak about his shameful act of using state machinery for snooping and trailing his purported love of life. Here is a man, my friends, who has had many IPS and IAS officers either suspended/dismissed or convicted (or waiting conviction) and all of whom has been party to his shady administrative business run in the backyard of Gujarat land. Is this sign of a righteous and a sane mind? Is this a man who you think is fit to be a PM of our great country? Well think again, he does what “he” thinks is right – and what he does not – well he believes no one should do it. “Autocratic” - one would say?

I can ofcourse go on and on. But of all the problems that I see – I have biggest sense of fear from couple of concerning matters if Modi is elevated to the top position.

Ofcourse, the primary part of my concern is Modi’s dominating attitude & his “Triple-M” mantra - “Me, Myself & Modi”. His “Triple-M” rant is something to be seen to be believed. Rarely have we seen an Indian politician as selfish, as ruthlessly ambitious and well, as insensitive as our man in question. He is capable of going to any deplorable depth to get his wishes. Mind you, there is no way to prove that his wishes would be yours too or vice-versa. That is what all dictators believe – yet none of them have any connect with their people or their welfare. Let’s not forget the great riots of Gujarat. Riots neither were – nor are new to India. Yet, the way Gujarat riots took place and the way Modi and his government stooges got involved in perpetrating it, proves that he is not a man who believes in peace. Ask any Modi lover and he would say, “…well it was time to settle the matter with Muslims. And see, there have been no riots in Gujarat since then!” Well – all good. But look at the facts, 1000+ people killed, 2,00,000 displaced, 25,000 still continue to live in relief camps, people were butchered and burnt even as policemen stood and watched helplessly. The sufferers were from both Hindu and Muslim community… 70% Muslims (read statistics online). And for Modi to say that he does not feel “guilty” (read his Interviews) of whatever happened during his watch in these riots shows his arrogance, an unsympathetic nature and morally repugnant behavior. A Chief Minister and his government is responsible for every single citizen of his state. And for them to tell everyone that it is not regrettable - is in itself regrettable. (And don’t start saying what did UP Government do or what did Maharashtra Government do when riots took place in their states, etc… well they are not in line for PM post – so shut up. This is about my country.)

Kriya pratikriya ki chain chal rahi hai. Hum chahate hain ki na kriya ho aur na pratikriya. (What is happening is a chain of action and reaction. What I want is that there should be no action and no reaction). Narendra Modi (2002)

Even Isaac Newton would be ashamed by the use of his definition (of 3rd law of motion) in these circumstances. But the above quote shows Modi’s mindset. He is not bothered about stopping the “Kriya” (action) and ofcourse not the “Pratikriya” (reaction) – he was rather justifying the killing that went on in those times. If this is not criminal – what is? There have been riots before and after Godhra across the country, yet rarely has a government been seen wanting in doing everything to stop it. That they are unable to do so “quickly” leads to many people being killed. But no one has ever unabashedly indicated that this is expected. As if this is the norm one has to live with in this multi-religiously country.

For all those who claim that Gujarat has been riot-free even as other parts of country has had riots (very recently Mujaffarnagar), and hence it is a sign of Modi’s iron hand rule, I have to say, it’s an appalling justification of the means and therefore the end result. Is this man worth believing when he says he was “saddened” by what happened in 2002… ofcourse he has said this only now – knowing that “a Gujarat’s CM” view will not work pan-India. You may note that he endorsed the view of RSS which passed resolution in 2002 stating “Let Muslims realize that their real safety lies in the goodwill of the majority”. So don’t be fooled by what he is saying now. Muslims are 20% of the population. It looks small – yet they are more than 25 Crores. Are we to then crush them and keep them crushed for a peaceful Hindu India? Well some idiots world over have tried crushing one part of population – they have ended up being either killed/lynched or have committed honorable suicide. So think again about it.

The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple (Oscar Wilde)

Closing my remarks on this concern, my problem with Modi in all this is his thought process, his philosophy & his values of administration. For a man who is not repentant about massacre (some say “holocaust”) under his watch, for a man who justifies his follies rather than show remorse, for a man who revels in the thought of people being scared of him and enjoys taking advantage of it – for me – such a man is neither fit mentally nor morally to lead any government. Democracy may be about ruling with majority – it is definitely not about ruling with mandate of only majority community in the country. For me, given my view of Modi and whatever I have seen and understood, it would be one of the most shameful day/s if Modi were to become my Prime Minister.

The second matter of concern to me is the lack of Modi’s parallel in BJP. I have said this earlier and will say it again. Modi is a crude form of Advani in 1990s. Advani had a big hand in getting BJP huge success in elections across 1990s. He single-handedly led BJP to victory - without question. Yet, he did not succeed in becoming the PM. Ever wondered why? This was because the supporting parties could never agree to have a hardliner Hindu to become PM in this multi-religious country. Atal Behari Vajpayee was the “next-best” choice in BJP. Vajpayee was a man of great stature anyways. He could stand up to Advani’s dictums. This one factor, infact, helped BJP a great deal in running a pretty successful government. For every hardline view that Advani took – there was “recourse” in form of Atal. Add to that the fact, that they both respected each other immensely – which helped in one of them coming around on matters that led to conflicts within the government. They shared great camaraderie. They both knew, BJP would crumble without either of them. Seeing them I could imagine how the first Government of Independent India may have run. With Jawahar who had a more conciliatory model of working and the great Patel had a more pragmatic view of governance. Both would have their own views on matters of governance, yet, they ran a damn successful government!

In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane (Oscar Wilde)

I am primarily referring to the “antidote factor” here. Look around, where is that in BJP now? Before Modi, BJP was leaderless – without question. But after his anointment – he is the ONLY leader. And he is a hardliner to the core. Top it with the fact that he is a terribly ambitious leader and you are looking at a very lethal combination indeed. Now, who in BJP has the guts to oppose whatever he says, suggests or implements? All the voices of rebellion have been crushed, including the likes of Advani, Yashwant Sinha, Sushma Swaraj etc. Today (except for Advani) they all look like his stooges. They sing what he writes and they depose what he proposes. There is no one to raise a voice. He has had scant regard for RSS on matters that conflict his ambition (He has been at loggerheads with them on many occasions. Sanjay Joshi was forced to go out of Gujarat since he did not take Modi’s orders. Remember?). The question to be asked and answered yourself is what he will do with such unlimited power in the party and ofcourse when BJP forms Government at Centre. Imagine, if he is taking a decision that is wrong, which of the BJP leader has the stature to oppose him? None. It took someone like Atal to say Modi has to follow “Raj-Dharma” (when 2002 riots were going on). This was on the appeal of various people around the country who were seeing Modi doing nothing about the killings going around. Well, there is no Atal now. Now, look at what he has done with his opposition within Gujarat BJP unit. He has sidelined/ crushed or forced people to leave BJP. Every single one of them who dared to oppose him has gone. Examples like Keshubhai Patel, Sanjay Joshi, Suresh Mehta, Kanshiram Rana etc were all tall leaders in Gujarat. Where are they now? Gone…Decimated. And we are already seeing that he is using that Gujarat Model at national scene too within BJP. People “fear” him in political circles – within his party. This is dangerous, very dangerous my friends. This is pure dictatorship, and is not good for our country… if you are not already seeing it coming.

He is vicious, he is venomous and hey - he is cruel. Don’t be in any doubt on that one. So what do we do? Sulk and suffer? Or get up and fight back?

One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. (Sir Winston Churchill)

What does future hold?

Rate of conviction in Gujarat Riots run by Investigative teams of Gujarat is less than 5% (as per information from each Gujarat police station - using RTI)… Whereas it is close to 40% on investigations done and ordered by SC (SIT team) and done by investigative agencies outside Gujarat. Examples of Maya Kondani, Babu Bajrangi etc were not convicted by Gujarat (Quote from Newspaper)

So what would happen if Narendra Modi does become the PM? And even before one asks this question, perhaps a more pertinent question is - “how” will BJP, and hence Modi, come to power – absolute power. My other set of worries stem from that proposition.

Consider this - Is 273 a realistic target for BJP? Well, I would be very surprised if that happens – unless something drastic happens in the next 2 months to election. No one is even contesting the fact, that the number of seats for Congress, will go below 100 seats (ofcourse, unless things take a U-turn for some reason – or there are enough people in the fight to divide vote shares)! I think in their history – this will be the first time they will go below 100 seat mark. And frankly, I won’t be surprised – given the sentiments today. I am sure you all will agree on both the counts!

So assume that BJP gets around 180-200 seats in Lok Sabha. It will still need a lot of seats from supporting parties to form the government. Where will that come from? A few of the known and devoted Modi lovers will extend their support – parties like SAD (Punjab), Shiv Sena & MNS (Maharashtra), J Jayalalitha (TN), Jagan Reddy (Andhra) and perhaps some people here and there. J Jayalalitha is playing it very well. Though she/her party is known to be close to Modi, she is fighting as part of 3rd front or is it now the 4th front? Who knows? What everyone knows is how “reliable” she is when it comes to keeping her alliances. Hus. She is not aligning with BJP for now so that voters in TN “think” that she is not with the fascist Modi and hence Vote for her. She can then support Modi if he is in a touching distance of forming government. Just on the point of TN, one of my friends thinks people are being fooled that way for generations and TN parties are very good at such deception – hence every alternate elections we see AIADMK and DMK coming to power!

Anyways, given the scenario, this is not exactly like a Gujarat Government where Modi is the “Numero-Uno” of the Government! His state will be no different to Atal or Manmohan to some extent. Ofcourse, he will perhaps be better off than Manmohan Singh in that respect, as BJP stooges do not have the guts to breathe down his neck every time he walks or runs! But this will be very different setting for Modi. With all the local patriarchs of supporting parties having their own personal fiefdom and egos to manage, Modi cannot just lord over them as he does those Gujaratis in his current state government. And knowing what I know about him – I think he won’t like the situation too… not by a long stretch. He neither has the patience, nor the necessary humility to handle pulls & strings of a coalition government. So what would be his options to gain full control? Hmmm… now that’s an interesting prognosis to make. Let me try my hand.

Not that he won’t already be planning for it! Ofcourse he would. He is street smart. However much people around him live in the assumption that such political makeup would help keep him in check, I think he will outsmart them – at least he will try to. Remember, it is what all the German politicians thought when Hitler came to power with minority seats! Read German history, to observe how Hitler ended up becoming a Chancellor and then took a firm grip on German polity and people. It was through dreadful maneuvering and trickery. Modi is everything that Hitler was in 1920-45. I have no hesitation in saying that. You all shall see. It took the entire world to come together to kill and remove Hitler. But not before he had destroyed and decimated that great nation. Ofcourse, when he took over, the country was in ruins with high inflation, corruption, weak government, low morale etc. He took them to position of strength and then unleashed his personal agenda - to be the King of the world. Not for once did common Berliners feel (till very late into the war) that Hitler was as big a devil as he is. So were they foolish? Nah… it was Hitler’s brilliance and smart “perception” management that fooled people until very late when they realized the extent of damage he had done. He was very popular till early 1940s’, by when he had 1/3rd of the world under his control or part of his alliance! Eventually this madness led to destruction of the country itself… all over again (the first time was after WW-I). They went back to a position that was worse that 1920 when Germany was punished by Allied countries. Hitler’s ambition was solely responsible for it. They became slaves again for another 54 years till Berlin wall eventually fell in 1989.

India is no Germany for sure. But remember, it did not take much for someone like Indira Gandhi to impose emergency for a few years in 1970s. It was the time when she took total control. She at least could claim bad guidance from her close confidants in her decision to impose emergency. For all her follies, she had a history behind her - of a father who had international reputation and who was a prominent freedom fighter and an ex-Prime Minister. She had that reputation to manage/salvage which eventually led her to path of correction from the foolhardy step of emergency. It was politically and constitutionally a very unpopular move. It was rightly opposed, till Indira was made to bend and was forced to declare fresh elections. Thanks to people’s ire - she was justifiably punished and defeated.

A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. Mark Twain

So what options will Modi have? He has many routes to follow. My take on this is… Modi would quickly start feigning helplessness in implementing “people” policies that he wants to implement for the benefit of the nation. Slowly he will start calling people opposing him and restricting him “traitors of the nation”. He will tell us that he is being handcuffed in governance matters and even though the country has given BJP the mandate to “serve” the nation – he is being stopped by the “traitors” of the society. He will let everyone know that he is sad that the mandate was not total and comprehensive for BJP… blah blah blah. He would make everyone believe that it is important to give him and his party majority of seats in Lok Sabha. He will beat the drum so loud that this will “seem to us” a matter of NATIONAL importance. Ofcourse, he will also tell us that country’s security is at risk if we do not give his party (which would mean “him”) majority/absolute powers. Unless you have forgotten, BJP is so very smart at playing “National Security” plank. All their time during NDA regime were filled with “national Security” shield! All they did became a matter of “national security” and hence no discussion/disclosures were made on a lot of things during their tenure!! Modi is one step ahead. Every single breath that he would take would be for "National Security” and anyone or anything opposing him will be a “threat to our national security”! Anyways, the point is he will start drumming his tune I believe from 8th to 10th month of his “rule”… oh – my sincere apologies… I should say his “Service” to nation (sic). He would keep the crescendo going - till the pitch reaches a point where I think he would call for ‘vote of confidence’ in the parliament. There he may either lose (and act like a martyr to garner sympathy votes) or resign just before losing! He will declare national elections and then trust all his “good work” (of drumming, ofcourse) and his charisma to get him through the 273 line! Devil forbid if that happens.

I think Modi would be targeting to get full power - with complete (or 2/3rd) majority by mid-2015. If that were to happen (which for all my fears, I think it will), then, Ladies and Gentlemen - will start the “Modi Era/ Empire”. Can’t call it the rule of Modi Dynasty (;-))… but it will be a start of Modi-era! Modi will be hailed as the constitutional head of the nation and supreme leader (or “Supreme Servant” – you can trust Modi with words!) of the people of this great country. For once, we will be “ruled” in the pretext of being “served” (a word he continues to chant every time he opens his mouth). Look at him when he talks about serving the nation. It’s like “Hey, I want to serve you… you better get served”! Phew. This man– who is proven liar (big time), a big time egoist, a certified hate-monger, a man who hates every other person (almost everyone – since in his eyes he is the all righteous one!), a man who is vicious, someone who assumes everything he does is virtuous and all the rest are anti-national - and finally, he is a man who cannot take criticisms of himself. In summary, a perfect picture of a Dictator.

How many of us here think he won’t be able to take total control of the nation? Is that impossible to achieve? For a crooked/ manipulative person like him? Really? I mean, once he has his man as head of Armed forces/ paramilitary forces/police fores, all he needs to do is to create problems in a few places in the country and use that as a pretext to apply President’s rule in few states unfriendly to him (note I am not referring to HIS PARTY, I am saying HIM. It’s all about him/himself & his perception of my country). There would be protests ofcourse in the entire nation, including the capital. He will use that as a pretext to tell all of us how the situation in the country needs to be immediately controlled. He will use that excuse to apply Emergency in the country (something his party has been opposed to). Emergency will nullify majority of liberal & democratic provisions of the constitution. Once that is done, he can use all his official machinery to clamp down on any opposition in the country quickly over a period of 3-5 months and lo-behold – a dictatorship is formed. What good is Congress without Gandhis? What good is AAP without Kejriwal? What good is BSP, SP, AIADMK, DMK, TMC, SHIV SENA, NCP, RJD, National Conference, BJD, JD(U) without their main leaders. That is the disadvantage of a single leader parties. It takes arrest or assassination of just 10-12 key politicians/ prominent social figures in this country and you will suddenly see that all protests will be disorganized and easy to crush. And if it seems too difficult to achieve in normal course of process, well there is always an option to go on a war with that naturally available bogey – Pakistan! Ofcourse, how would Indians ever oppose that move? “That arrogant neighbor needs to be taught a lesson. It’s long pending”. Isn’t it? We keep hearing this even in peace times. So when Modi declares war – the whole country will be running head over heels to garland him. Ofcourse, what it would mean is a lot of those garlands will also be needed for many near and dear ones when they get killed in the war because of an act of madness by one mad-man. Ambition… ambition, it’s for nothing it is considered the source of all ills of this society.

And once he assumes power, you can be sure he will be the monkey you all would eventually find hard to get off your back. Ofcourse, many here would say it will be all the more better. Oh yeah? Think again. In my (limited) opinion, it will be detrimental to all the hard work that has gone in building this nation from scratch, from being poorest, to a stage where we we can make or break world economy. That has come without having people like him in the top.

(And before I move to next section, remember his love for federalism today. We shall see how much he loves the fact when he becomes the Prime Minister. I will not be surprised if I soon hear him tell us that federalism in current form is hurting the nation and that we need to allow “Centre” to have more powers wrt state subjects!! For all his love of judicial and lokpal related issues, you won’t have to wait for too long before you hear him say how Courts (Supreme Courts) are hampering policy implementations and are acting like parallel government and how it is important to curtail judiciary powers in the country and also how current lokpal bill is useless and why it is important to keep PM away from it. After all he successfully averted all the moves to appoint a lok-ayukt in Gujarat, because then he would come under its ambit. How could he allow that when he would be the PM!!!)


He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. (Sir Winston Churchill)

I wish and hope my 2-cents prophecy does not come true and that Modi gets defeated at national level sooner than later. That way we will come out with limited damage. I pity people who say this country needs a dictator to set things right. Well, tell me one country or one dictator in the history of mankind where a dictator actually helped set “things right”. It’s easy to brag about how things seem to be ordered in a country which has its share of Dictatorship, communist or rule of monarchy. Countries like erstwhile Germany, China & Russia seem to come quickly to mind. Also some middle east countries – where people seem to have ordered & prosperous life. Infact, we are so obsessed with China that for everything that they achieve we compare ourselves with them. How silly can one get? Well, for starters, they cannot indulge in some of your favorite time-pass activities, like abusing and blasting every known politician…even the Prime Minister of the country. Yes Sir, they can be easily jailed or killed for such a “trivial” matter! There is no freedom of expression, a basic and important tenant of our society. Do you know what they pay to their labors working in those mammoth factories? Ofcourse you don’t. Do you know the state of poor in that country and health facilities there of? Ofcourse you don’t. Do you know how many in that country die because of famine? Ofcourse you don’t. Hey, till not long ago, they killed babies to keep the equation of 1 family – 1 child! Huh… Some country to compare India with. Hell. As I said, it’s silly.

Coming back to Modi, you do think Modi will free this country of corrupt and rid this land of criminals? Oh, you think that is impossible? Ok so how much of reduction do you think there will be? 90%... 80%... surely 50%? Not sure? But I thought he wanted to root out corruption from this country and all his followers seem to be gulping down that dream every single day he speaks? Myth-busted? Apologies for being the one to do it. Ok, how sure are you that he won’t turn against you or your family next – in the name of corruption/national threat or security or in the name of bringing order in society etc? How sure are you? 100%... 80%? How sure? How sure are you that he won’t become dictator? 100%... 80%? Not sure? Oh, but you all seem to know him very well, and love him too perhaps. Yet, you cannot be sure of him? Myth-busted? Apologies again.

You know what (?)… You all know he is dangerous. He is no 10th Avtaar of Vishnu to do everything right. So how sure are you that he will make “all the right decisions” that are ONLY and ONLY for your benefit? What if he is not? What if he turns against you one day? Whom will you turn to against the “Man” himself? Oh. You think it will be as easy as it is today? Well think again. Ask people who survived the limited Dictatorship taste in form of emergency during Indira days. Even then no one was spared. We are talking about dictatorship here dearies.

Listen, I am showing you a possibility which is not so hard to achieve. With an ambitious man like Modi at the helm, well, it’s certainly in the realm of reality. Absolute power is corrupting and with absolute power in two hands, the measures taken (to hold on to the control) are also extreme. Ask any crowd management chaps and they will tell you how a crowd is far easier to scare than an individual. When brutal force is used, a crowd will have its tails between the legs and will quickly wither away. And when that image is flashed across media – it creates terror/fear in the minds of other people. There are many instances we have seen. A few goons come and fire around… the crowd – runs away. A few self-righteous people get in a pub and beat and harass girls (for wearing short skirts or some such silly pretext), well the crowd there too runs away. A few policemen come and clean up a protest gathering at Ram Lila (Ex: Baba Ramdev’s) in a matter of an hour. No one dares come back. How many examples do you need? In all the instances people voice their opinion from Media houses, telephones, FB etc. Hey – but who is there on the street to defend your and my rights? No one. Infact, history will prove that if the government had forcibly evicted Anna/Kajriwal and the key members in the first gathering at Jantar Mantar – the Lokpal movement and hence AAPs creation and its inspirational victory would not have been possible. Perhaps then the issue of corruption would not be this big. Perhaps the Government in all its arrogance thought that Anna’s movement too will go away like others… well – they are now paying the price of their haughtiness. Well – thankfully so.

A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both. Dwight D. Eisenhower

Not for once do I think this Government needs to stay. It needs to be booted out with a permanent mark on their bums. But then, who are we replacing them with? Modi - the menace? Well, I would rather have third front for some time if that is the only alternative left in the fray. BJP is an arrogant party (at least they are consistent – in victory or even in defeat), no doubt, but Modi is an extreme form of that arrogance. If keeping Modi away means keeping BJP out of equation, well so be it. For me – my country and its future is far more important. I am not ready to put my liberties and rights at stake due to “blind love” of people for a crazy man.

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Leo Tolstoy

You see, no one in this country thinks of changing himself or herself. They all want others to change and since they have no control over “others”, they use their anger by changing the government. All well. But, will Modi (or any leader) be able to stop Rapes, loot, Maoism, terrorism, Gundagardi or atrocities on people or even crime against old people? Well the straight answer is - no. Rapes won’t stop unless the frustrated Indian males do not stop being “cruel” perverts. I mean c’mon, it is just not right to stare at girls/women from top to bottom, it is not right to pass comment on girls, it is definitely not right to think every girl wants what these perverts think they watch in porn clips. Well… it is just not right. Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, Shiela Dixit, or Indira Gandhi did not ask the Indian male to go and rape women. It’s bloody our problem. We - the male community. And Modi or any Tom, Dick or Harry cannot stop this sadist thinking. It’s us. We need to change. Similarly, Modi cannot all by himself solve other issues – for ex, Maoist problem. I doubt if he even understands it. Else, he would not be praising Raman Singh under whom the highest number of Maoist attacks has taken place in Chattisgarh! Hell, he does not understand much publicized Kashmir issue itself (he has not dared to talk about Kashmir since he talked like an idiot the last time – thankfully so). So there is little chance he will understand Maoist problem – which is way too complex. Point I am trying to make here is – unless we Indians start thinking right, no Gandhi or Modi can help. He can create the fear… but that will have its own drawbacks like making some really draconian laws – which never helps the society in general.

The idea of a model where you’re going to have one guy coming on a horse and who is going to come, and he’s going to fix everything… does not work – Rahul Gandhi

For all his weaknesses, Rahul did say something very useful. He may be an idealist who knows what needs to be done – but is clueless about how to implement! But he has a point here. The problems of this country have to be solved in a planned manner. Modi’s coming alone is not going to solve them. If he could, he would have done it for his oh (!) so beloved Gujaratis… which we have seen above is not the case. So trim down your dreams.

In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist; And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist; And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew; And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up.

I have quoted this earlier and am quoting it again because I think a lot of people are going to feel the same way if what I have written above comes true. All I will say is, let’s not wait for our turn to know what has hit us. We need to be judicious; we need to take learned decisions. Let’s not be blinded by the folly of one side and be dazed by the myth of righteous people being on the other. Let’s not get swayed by the online campaign of a man who has nothing to conclusive prove his credentials. Let’s not put our fate in the hands of a man who does not respect or bemoan the loss of every single Indian (Hindu/Muslim or others). Let’s for the sake of this country take decision/s that will benefit the nation in the long run than have a quick fix solution that will make us suffer for longer periods.

As for me, I surely don’t want a “Hindu Nationalist” or a Gujarati, a Marathi or a Bihari as my leader. I want an “Indian Nationalist”. That for me would be an apt definition of my leader…

And quoting from my earlier article written in anticipation of Modi like dictator coming to power in India someday (at least in that respect – I can say I saw this coming many years back… much before the current Modi converts fell in love with him) –

…given that politics in this country has touched an all-time low, given that majority of masses have lost hope on the political entities of this nation and given that there is no light seen at the end of this dark tunnel - I have had this sinking feeling that we may somehow be responsible for propping our own nemesis, our very own Hitler to the high seat someday (--India - Waiting for “Hitler”, 2008)

Its Montoo..
(20th Dec 2013 – 31st Mar 2014)

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