Monday, 25 December 2017

Human Evolution - A brief

Human Evolution - A brief

Human life has evolved over millions of years. Ancient people had different body structures, way of living and eating habits.  Early men essentially were nomads and lived in natural caves where ever they went. Initially, like we know animals do, they would communicate using different sounds and sign languages. Slowly, as each nomadic group formed into tribes, they started defining and fine-tuning their own unique language. Over a period of time they started to document the same on the walls of caves they lived in!

Humans continued to evolve in other fields too. Use of tools is a sure sign of growing intelligence in human evolution cycle.  They would use sharp stones and bones of dead animals to hunt. They customized their tools eventually to till & to kill. Same is the case with their clothing habits. When humans realized that it is imperative to cover themselves and protect against sun, heat, rains & cold – they again innovated. Starting initially with animal skins and leaves, which would cover essential parts of their body – they moved to sewing their own fabric to cover larger portions of their body. Types of clothes worn by people defined the development of race amongst early human beings!

We all know that the nomadic nature of early life was necessitated by the need of feeding themselves.  As food would become scarce due to changing weather and climate, they would move to other areas where there would be more food available. They would feed on whatever they could hunt. They would eat fruits and vegetables available naturally in jungles too. A time came when the tribes became big and the movement from one place to other became cumbersome. That forced them to create their own settlements and with the help of improved tools, moved to growing cereals, vegetables, fruits etc. on their own.

And finally came a time when the humans made perhaps the most important discovery of our life time - “Fire”.  Fire helped them keep warm in cold climate and also enabled them to cook food! It could have been discovered only be accident! Study shows that early primitive men used sticks and flint to create fire. Maturity and experience helped them create and control fire. The power of fire helped human race to eventually become the most powerful living being on earth.

(Prepared for Ruhin Raghuvanshi... 2016)

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