Monday, 25 December 2017

Topic: Sometimes the heart feels what is invisible to the eye

Sometimes the heart feels what is invisible to the eye

All living beings have this great ability of senses. One of the most important one is “to see”. What we see is what we believe. What we don’t see or cannot see is perhaps impossible to understand for living species. Science also teaches us to believe what we can see, provide evidence on and can replicate every time visibly. However, we as human beings (and so too animals or birds) have a quality that is not always measurable, repeatable at will and cannot also be seen.

One of the greatest examples of something we cannot see – and yet is the basic force even a new born baby feels first is “Love”. We can see expressions of love through a hug, touch or gestures, however, we cannot see the feeling of love. And yet, it is something we feel every moment of our life with our mother, father, siblings, friends & relatives. Science has never been able to prove a method to measure love. Why, to extend this further, we all feel sad sometimes, even happiness & hatred. But all of these can neither be seen, nor measured. And yet, these are strong emotive forces which we have felt in our lives many a times.

To extend the topic further from “feeling” to include what our mind cannot understand, there are examples like “thoughts” and “Intuitions. These are invisible forces every living being has and yet they cannot be seen through naked eyes. Can you see your own thoughts or even thoughts of people in front of us? Also, can we see our intuitive sense? When a deer runs for its life with a cheetah chasing it, it trusts its instincts and intuitions, and takes swift left and right to dodge the predator. Even as it is cruel to see it fall prey to the aggressor, it’s a great example of an invisible force that drives every leap and step of the deer, something which is difficult to comprehend and understand

Coming back to the topic of invisible forces that though cannot be seen and yet can be deeply felt, take the great example of winds. One can feel the wind blowing, but unless there are leaves or dust particles flowing around (and which we can actually see), there is no way to “see” winds. And yet, on a hot scorching summer day, a spell of cool breeze or wind brings happiness and peace. How about Oxygen? Can we see Oxygen, which is the most essential component to live? Our whole life is dependent on oxygen, and though it is there all around us, we cannot see it… but the lack of it makes us feel breathless. Such is the impact of this invisible force

(Prepared for Ruhin Raghuvanshi... for elocution)

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